Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Free Energy

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Truth Seeker
Date: Mar 7, 2007 9:08 AM

cheers Free Your Mind!
Date: Mar 7, 2007 6:27 AM

Top Current Suspects
read details below for Why

Unidentified Government Official with abusive power over NSA, IRS and Military. How high would this person have to be? How low could it be?
Nuclear Power industry
Oil Industry
Tony Blair's business associates tied to OM Energy Ltd.
Tony Blair's business associates in the nuclear power industry

If simple electrolysis worked to make hydrogen from clean H2O, then we would have water powered cars already. Most Engineers, Mechanics are taught, it takes more energy to produce enough energy to propel a car, therefore it will never work. You cannot break the laws of physics. They say you will not get enough BTU's from hydrogen or egas to push an ICE motor. They are right, Gasoline gets too hot, and 78% of the energy produced goes right out the exhaust pipe. A complete waste of energy is applied everyday we drive our present vehicles and also the heat contributes to the Global warming. With "On Board Electrolysis" with egas or supplied by hydrogen tanks, you don't need all this heat. What you need is strong combustion to push the piston down. Hydrogen is 2-1/2 times more combustional power than gasoline, with less heat! The inventors below manage to propel a car on hydrogen, so can you. A trillion dollar industry awaits you. You have a chance to become a millionaire. So go for it! Watch out it is risky business, though. Many of the inventors lives were threatened. Yull Brown had shots fired into his kitchen, Stan Meyers was threatened and eventually poisoned, a few months Yull Brown dies of old age. . Andrija Puharich mysteriously fell down a flight of stairs. Carl Cella died in prison.

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