----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: buying my stairway to ~freebird~
I seriously think we need to put these concepts into full effect people! nighty night.
TX2: Georgilla the Gorilla
& Decentralized by Conditioned Guilt
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The original May 15th gas protest was a start, but lacked a real solution. People took it one step further. Permanently boycotting Exxon Mobile is an excellent idea and will actually do some damage where damage needs to be done. But it's still a patch over the bleeding sore that is draining our country of it's life blood. We need true alternatives. They are already here and are time tested. Are you ready to be free? Here's the revolution, join it.
1. Bio-Diesel:
Rudolph diesel made the diesel engine to run off of peanut oil so that the farmers could grow their own fuel. During the petro explosion of the 30's when they had so much gas they didn't know what to do with it they made diesel from petro by-products. Diesel engines are fully functional with bio-fuel and get better mileage and have drastically reduced emissions. It's using a lubricant as fuel so the engine lasts longer. It's better all the way around. Also your using a by-product of restaurants so there's an endless supply of WASTE veggie oil. The most productive land usage and output for oil is hemp oil which produces 350+ gallons of oil PER ACRE PER YEAR. Bio-diesel requires very little modification to your car. Although you must have a diesel engine and I believe that new models (post 02'?) won't work. Something to do with the newer engines.
Bio-Diesel 101
2. Bio-Mass Ethanol
There is already ethanol in production and in use. Race cars have been using ethanol for years and they work exceptionally well. Gas in California is already blended with ethanol and they are already making cars that support E85(85% Ethanol). They almost always talk about corn ethanol, which to my understanding is the worst way to go. For one your using a food supply. Sugar cane ethanol produces 8 times more ethanol. Also ethanol can be made from the billions of tons of Ag waste each year. You can grow prairie grass, switch grass, that grows around 14 feet in one year to make ethanol. Brazil decided under a dictator in the 80's that they had to get off of foreign oil dependence and they did in 20 years. Almost all of their cars are flex fuel hybrids and tribrids.
3. Air
People have been attempting and designing a car that runs off of air for decades. Now it's here. It's much the same as a pneumatic drill in that it uses air to push a piston. Simple dimple. Make a light car and then power it with compressed air. The only pollution is that of compressing the air which can be done with solar panels at home or a variety of other ways. This is the technology we have been waiting for for our whole lives. Much of inflation comes from fuel prices. Imagine how to world will change when we can move around for free with now guilt.
You can run *any* gasoline car off of water. Water is MUCH more powerful than gasoline. With simple low volt DC electrolysis you can split H20 into HHO and burn it cleanly. Exhaust=water+heat. FREE ENERGY FOREVER. I always used to wonder when I was a child why the oceans didn't blow up, they are made of 2 of the most flammable things. Now we know how to unlock that power. People have been doing this since the early 60's. FREEDOM IS WITHIN REACH
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